I am working with the International Peace Bureau towards a 2016 World Congress on War Economy and Transformation: Disarmament for Development. It will be an international event focused on the issues of Global Military Spending, which doesn’t have a high profile in peace studies or political economy.
I want to set up a Network of academics who work on Global Military Spending from peace studies, which can encompass the range of impacts from climate change, post 2015 agenda, conversion, etc and alternatives to current paradigms.
I envisage the network will be able to meet, collaborate on bringing together research and organise an academic contribution to the 2016 World Congress.
International Peace Bureau set up the Global Day of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS) which is April each year. The website for this iswww.demilitarize.org
If you work on issues related to Global Military Spending or on the impact it has on other social or political events please get in touch.